Monday 12 December 2011

Passionate Learning

Being a teacher for the last 16 years, I have come across many students who study and learn just to pass their examination.   Very few students are really passionate about their subject. This blog is all about Passionate Learning. While learning with Passion, there is no fear of  scores, passing or failing in a test or examination.  The focus is to understand the subject and  to get deeper into it. This learning is for life and  may be for your profession. This kind of learning will help you  to master the subject and makes you  an expert. The knowledge and skills acquired through the process will be highly indispensable.

Firstly, identifying the area of interest is absolute necessary. In Hospitality courses, students may be interested in Culinary, Bakery ,Food & Beverage Service, Front office, Information Technology, Human Resources ,Training and so on. Once chosen, learn the basics. There are plenty of books that covers basics in each subject. Getting started from basics is important as it lays a strong foundation. Once you get your basics right then  move to the next level. Read advanced books .Every author would have suggested books and articles for further reading. Try to read as many books, magazines, journals  and articles in your area of interest. Access internet for information. Visit online forums, websites, blogs, research articles and gather as much information and knowledge. Enhanced knowledge brings in new perspectives. Besides acquiring knowledge, mastering the right skills is also extremely important. Skills can be acquired only through constant practice. Working under experts and seniors will also help to sharpen the skills.

Interact and network with the right people who are experts in the field. They will guide and motivate you. Also, become a member of various forums, clubs, associations ,where experts meet and share their learning. These are excellent platforms to update.

Electronic media is also a great source of information. If you are passionate to learn about food, there are plenty of television channels that focuses on Food. Similarly there are Special Interest Channels that cover specific areas .Subscribe to these channels.

Another way to learn is to travel. Travelling and meeting people from other nationalities is a great learning and sharing experience. Visit the local markets, super markets and industry specific exhibitions. New products and services will be on offer. This is another source to update and learn.

Enroll for short courses, seminars, workshops , training  programmes  , conferences and Professional Development Programmes .These programs not only help to enhance knowledge and skills but also connects you with Passionate people.

Once you have reached certain level of expertise, then undertake research work in your area of interest and publish the findings in magazines and journals. These publications will connect you with the best in the class.
Share your learning. The more you share the more you learn.  Learn as if there is no tomorrow. 

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